Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kickoff is Coming

It's happening at last, folks! Coaches are being rounded up and being taught, teams are being selected, and the Loyalist City Blood Bowl League is only a few small steps away from getting off the ground. Additionally, we have a "home base" location now, in the newly-renovated Heroes' Beacon ( hobby and game store in uptown Saint John, New Brunswick. We'll be adding a sideboard link for them in the near future.

We're looking at a starting coach roster of between six and ten players, and in some of the forthcoming posts we'll provide some brief bios about them and their chosen teams. First up will be myself, since I have all of that information immediately on hand and have had the last several years to think about it. If we reach the threshold of eight players, we will separate the teams into two divisions. If for some reason we ever get to sixteen teams in the league (which would be a cut-off point due to the logistics involved in wrangling that many people), we will spread into four divisions in two conferences.

Between seasons, if coaches want to experiment with different teams, they are free to shelf their initial roster and start up a new squad. Ideally this won't happen until everyone has a couple of seasons under their belts, but if someone really doesn't like the style of play associated with their chosen team, we can accommodate them easily enough.

After the league kicks off, we will not be adding coaches and teams until the start of the next season, a waiting period of between two and four months depending on which season is currently taking place. Feel free, of course, to bring friends along to watch the matches! If they want to help, they can assist with game records, which I will discuss later, or simply observe each game to get a feel for the different styles of play.

Currently we are looking into options for league dues and prize support. Ideally, we would each chip in a few dollars for prizes to be awarded at the end of each season. There would be, of course, a winner's prize, likely of store credit, as well as an award to the coach who owns the league's Most Valuable Player for the season. While I'm happy to provide my extensive collection of figures for the league, I'm sure everyone would want to eventually have their own figures, in their own colours, representing the players they've come to hold dear.

Finally, the LCBBL will not simply remain static in terms of rules. While the core concepts of the game will remain the same according to the Living Rule Book 5.0, there are many elements which can be added to give the league some uniqueness. Things like personalized arenas, player bounties, trades, etc, will be brought in on a trial basis once players are comfortable with the existing rules.

Look for more posts today and in the coming weeks as we ramp up to kickoff!

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